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Venntastic Beach

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Water sports

VENNtastic Beach

Experience Venntastic Beach, our extraordinarily large beach and bathing area . It’s the place to be for the place for children and action-seekers. Enjoy nature from a pedal boat, a SUP, or a sit-on-top-kayak.

You can also simply relax in the sun on a sun lounger or enjoy Belgian frites at the snack house.

Children will love the sandy beach and the playground. There is also  a 1,200 m² beach court for playing soccer, volleyball or handball.

The water play elements are anchored in the supervised bathing area.

Toilets and showers are also available, of course.

For reasons of hygiene, four-legged friends are not permitted on VENNtastic Beach.

Opening hours

Opening hours in June and September

During the weekend the beach is open  from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. when the wetter is good. The daily opening hours vary. You can find updates on the homepage and our Faceboook page.

Opening hours in July and August

In JULY & AUGUST, the beach is open every day from 10am till 7pm. Attention: when there is a red flag, there is no infrastructure open, no rental, no  lifeguards: cfr infra.


Water play structures

In the supervised bathing area of the VENNtastic Beach there are 9 water play structures

If you click on the link of each play equipment, you will find details such as: Distance from the beach, minimum water depth and maximum number of people allowed.

Rules and flags

Flags on the beach

At VENNtastic Beach, we are working with flags on the beach. Here is the meaning of the flags:

  • Green flag: The entire beach infrastructure and rentals are open. There is an entrance fee to pay. Lifeguards are present. In this case, please pay attention to our traffic light system on the website.
  • Red flag: The beach is accessible. All other infrastructure on the beach and rentals remain closed. Admission is free. There are no lifeguards present.

Please note that we do not rent out SUPs, kayaks or pedal boats on the beach outside the official beach season or when there is a red flag .

Traffic light system on the website

The traffic light system on the website shows you the current capacity of the beach. A maximum of 1200 people are allowed on the beach + our overnight guests from Camping, Sporthouse and Chalet. Unfortunately, once we have reached this number of people, the beach will be closed. We announce this on our website by putting the red light.

It isn’t possible to reserve places for the beach.

  • Green light: maximum capacity is far from being reached. You’ll be able to enter at Venntastic beach.
  • Orange light: the maximum number of people has almost been reached.
  • Red light: the maximum number of people has been reached: the beach remains closed. You won’t be able to enter at the Venntastic Beach.


Forbidden on the beach

  • Barbecues
  • Alcohol
  • Tents
  • Own boats such as SUP, kayak
  • Loud music
  • Dogs

Allowed on the beach

  • Listening to music with headphones, earplugs …
  • Inflatable air mattress
  • Food and drink

Further beach rules

  • Children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult
  • The water play structures are not for sun bathing
  • Swimming and diving under the play equipment is prohibited
  • Anyone wearing the wristband for entry is obliged to follow the instructions of the staff and the rules of VENNtastic Beach. The staff is authorised to expel persons who violate the rules.

Equipment rental

Boat rental:

Sun-lounger rental

Entrance fee

2023 Tag der offenen Tür Venntastic Beach DSC08570



  • Price
    Entrance fee for the beach
    Adults & young people (12+)5,00 € / day
    Children (5 - 11 years) 3,50 € / day
    Children (0 - 4 years) free
    Free entry for our holiday guests and participants in the Vita programme


  • Good to know
    Booking conditions






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